Publication History:

Place of Publication:  Delaware

Frequency:  Unknown

Volume and Issue Data:  Between 1910 and 1920 (approx.)

Size and Format:  Unknown

Editor/Publisher:  Unknown

Title Changes and Continuation: Unknown

General Description and Notes:

According to Eleanor McD. Thompson, Librarian in Charge of the Printed Book and Periodical Collection at The Winterthur Library, “My grandfather, who was an amateur artist and poet, put out a few issues of a humorous neighborhood newspaper all lettered and drawn by him.”  She noted that she has them in storage. Her father was apparently an insurance executive and created the paper as a lark.

Information Sources:


Locations:  Eleanor McD. Thompson, Librarian in Charge, Printed Book & Periodical Collection, The Winterthur Library, The Henry Francis duPont Winterthur Museum, Winterthur, DE